How to prepare for a youth football tournament

Youth football tournaments are a fantastic way for your young footballer to stay active, while having fun, enjoying a bit of healthy competition and making new friends at the same time.

But, if you’re not an old hat at these kind of things and you’re taking your team along for the first time, you might be wondering how to prepare for a youth football tournament. After all, you want to ensure that it makes for an unforgettable experience for all the right reasons.

As with many great occasions in life, the success is in the planning. So, some things that you should consider before the event are the following:

Check the rules of the tournament

It’s a good idea to be fully informed of the specific tournament rules beforehand and to make sure your players are ready for them.

The great British weather

Make sure your players come equipped with plenty to drink, ensure that they get the chance to re-hydrate regularly and that there will be somewhere decent for them to escape from the weather should they need to. Providing shelter for the players also makes a great opportunity for them to be able to have a rest in between matches in somewhere that is comfortable, such as a gazebo or tent.

How to prepare your team at the event itself

  • Warm up – these brief but intense periods of exercise should take place before every match they play to get them mentally as well as physically ready for it.
  • Give each player in your squad a go –  a tournament is a big event for young players, so try to ensure that they are given as equal an amount of time on the pitch as possible. This will maximise their enjoyment of the festival and will keep the whole squad motivated.
Make sure your team competes in 2017!

If you like the idea of getting your team involved in a fast paced and action packed tournament that they are guaranteed to enjoy, it’s never too early to get your place booked for next year. Make sure you team competes in the 2017 ESF Football Festivals by getting in touch with us today, or check out the website for further details.