How can teamwork benefit your youth team?   

Chances are you’ve heard the phrase, “There’s no I in team,” bandied about a few times and possibly even let it go as yet another form of motivational speak passed over to us from across the Atlantic.

However, it’s a phrase that has its uses and what it does illustrate is the importance of working as part of a team (in our case, particularly when it comes to football).

It doesn’t matter how talented you are as a player (although it’s a great start), if you’re unable to work with the rest of your team mates in football, there’s no way you’re winning that match. And this is why one of a coach’s main jobs should be to encourage good team work as a priority among their players, especially if they want them to succeed. Let us answer the big question here, how can teamwork benefit your youth team?.

What are the benefits of teamwork?

Instilling the right attitude in your youth side from an early age is one of the biggest parts of developing the football stars of the future. When working with young teams in particular, it’s so important to get the basics right and the ability to work as part of a team is definitely one of these. So, apart from winning some good games, what other benefits and skills are involved in working well together as a team?

  • Confidence – this is gained from feeling like an important part of your team, as well as the chance to be appreciated by other team members.
  • Good communication skills – vital for a team to work well together.
  • Resolving conflict – again, possessing this skill is important for a team to work well together.
  • Acceptance – of other ideas and personalities to work together as a whole.
  • Life skills – because working as a team is often important throughout our lives.
  • Improved leadership skills – both from learning from team leaders and becoming one yourself.
  • Respect for authority – because every team needs a leader and one who will be respected.
  • Enhance self-discipline and resilience – something which is vital when playing as a team and not just as an individual.
  • Special skills – each team player will have their own to complement the team.
  • Make friends for life – both on and off the football field.
  • Learn to put personal differences aside for the greater good.
  • Overcome shyness to enable better communication.

Now You’ve Got The Team, Join The Tour!

As a coach, when you’re putting a football team together and you ensure it’s one which works well, you will be giving your side the very best possible chance of success, not to mention equipping your young players with some excellent skills for the future.

Then, once you’ve developed the skills of your team, it’s on to greatness, as you look towards new challenges to help build your team’s confidence and put their skills to the test.

Once you have a team which is working well together, why not join the tour by putting their names down for one of the biggest youth football tournaments in Europe? To find out more about ESF Festivals of Football taking place all over the UK next year, get in touch with us today.