5 a side football tips

So, you want to be a successful 5 a side footballer? Well, on a five a side pitch, there’s no hiding place. To succeed you need to be fit, leave your ego in the dressing room and have a decent grasp of what your tactics are.

At, ESF football festivals, we put on some of the most prestigious 5 aside football tournaments in the country and internationally. So, check out our website to find out more and book today! Then make sure you keep our 5 a side football tips in mind next time you and your mates take part in what’s now the biggest amateur sport in the UK.

These could be the difference between lifting the trophy or an early bath.

The Basics

Let’s start with the basics all successful 5 a side football players will do well. Obviously most of these will apply to all forms of the game, but most will be particularly important when you’re playing on a much smaller pitch. Less time and space, limited options and boards down the sides of the pitch will demand certain qualities you’ll want to work on most.

  • Play with your head upAn essential quality in all forms of the game but as we said earlier you’ll have much less time and space on a five-a-side pitch. Good teams will look to close you down quickly, nick the ball off you and counter – a key tactic which you see in all five a side games. To combat this, know where your team mates are and look to offload quickly and effectively.
  • To feet.Again, passing to feet is an essential skill. Hone your passing skills in practice drills to make sure you can dish it out with speed and precision. Think Xavi/Iniesta/Mowatt.
  • Good first touch.You’re getting used to this now. It’s another footballing essential that’s under intense scrutiny on those smaller pitches. Practice, practice, practice until it’s second nature.

Picking the right formation.

Even a basic grasp of tactics will help massively in a 5 aside football tournament. For a start ,picking the right formation is essential. It’s no good running around like headless chickens. It’s wasted energy and good opposition will exploit the holes you leave in defence. There’s a few options when it comes to formations but our favourite marries defence with attack.

It’s a 1-2-1.
Your best player will often be your defender as he needs to be strong, pacey, able to bring teammates into the game and get you up the field quickly.

Ideally, you’ll supplement his skills at the back with two quick midfielders who enjoy sharing the ball. Moving the ball quickly from defence to attack is a 5 aside must.

Finish off your team with a striker who knows where the goal is. It’s important to be finishing off those chances, in a competitive game you won’t want to squander any.

football position

Finding the right position.

To get the most out of your matches you will want to start by finding the right position which bests suit your game as a whole. So if you’re a keen, effective tackler defence will be for you. A decent passer of the ball? It’s midfield. And finally, got a keen eye for a goal? Then striker is where you’ll best be suited.

However, keep in mind you will all need to work hard in defence. If you’re not working hard enough, your mate will have to pick up the slack. Something he’ll know doubt let you know after the game!

Our most important 5 a side football tip.

Our most important 5 a side football tip is … Enjoy yourself! At the end of the day the beautiful game should be played to have fun. No matter if it’s a competitive match or a knock about, make sure you play with a smile on your face. The world’s not going to end if you lose the odd game of 5 aside. So, make use of these 5 aside football tips to make the most out of whatever game you play. But remember, keep smiling!

Contact us to find out more.

Well, now you know how to get the most out of your games. Fancy playing some 5 a side football? Our 5 aside football tournaments are some of the most prestigious around. Contact us to find out more by calling 01664 566360, emailing info@footballfestivals.co.uk or using our online referral form. Our friendly staff are always on hand to answer your questions and let you know how you can get playing.